A key component of Print Farm Solutions is our Pre-Press Department. This department is literally the heart of our operation because we can detect and solve many important file issues once you’ve submitted your project. We thoroughly examine every aspect of your file to ensure that everything will come out as you expected. Our experienced pre-flight crew will detect if the document will pass all critical issues such as page configuration, fonts, low-res images, color, and many other key areas before we even plate the job.
Print Farm Solutions is G7 certified which means our color proofing system is calibrated to our press. In essence, you will get no surprises on press- which eliminates production downtime and saves you money from re-plating a job. Print Farm Solutions has made a big investment in having the latest file imposition software (Fuji XMF) so we can provide our you the fastest turnaround. We can handle a large volume of projects and still devote the dedicated time to make every project a success.